For non-bailable offences the Court can refuse to grant you bail when the punishment for the crime you have committed has:
- Death penalty,
- Prison for life,
- Jail time of more than 7 years,
- If the offence is cognizable,
- Been convicted previously on two or more occasions of a cognizable offence punishable with imprisonment of three years or more but not less than seven years.
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Related Resources
Where can contempt of court happen?
Contempt of court can happen anywhere - inside court, outside court, on social media. etc. Further, contempt proceedings can be taken up by either the Supreme Court, High Court, or Tribunals. However, the procedure to initiate proceedings will differ based on the place where the alleged contempt happens.

Where can contempt of court happen?
Contempt of court can happen anywhere - inside court, outside court, on social media. etc. Further, contempt proceedings can be taken up by either the Supreme Court, High Court, or Tribunals. However, the procedure to initiate proceedings will differ based on the place where the alleged contempt happens.