Not following Traffic Signals and Signs

Last updated on Apr 8, 2022

Traffic Signals

Under the law, a traffic light, traffic signal or stoplight is a signalling device positioned on roads to indicate when it is permissible to drive. The traffic signal passes on its information using a universal colour code1:

  • Red Light: Stop the vehicle
  • Yellow Light: Slow down the vehicle/get ready to move
  • Green Light: Move the vehicle

Every person who is driving a motor vehicle has a duty to follow traffic signals (( Section 12, The Motor Vehicles (Driving) Regulations, 2017.)). If you do not follow traffic signals, you will be fined. For example, if the traffic signal is red at an intersection, and you begin driving your car or do not stop driving your car, then you will be fined.

The amount of fine you have to pay varies from state to state, but you will have to pay at least a fine between Rs. 500 and Rs. 1,0002. The applicable fine amount might vary across states. 

Given below are the fine amounts for two states:

State Fine Amount (In INR)
Delhi 500 – 1,000
Karnataka 500 – 1,000


Traffic Signs and Orders

Every person who is driving a motor vehicle has a duty to follow traffic signs, driving regulations and any directions given by traffic or police officers3

If you do not follow traffic signs, driving regulations or orders given to you by the traffic officer, you will be fined. For example, if you take a U-turn on an intersection where such a turn is clearly prohibited, you may be fined. 

For a full list of traffic signs with illustrations, please see the First Schedule of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, which you can access here.

The amount of fine you have to pay varies from state to state, but you will have to pay at least a fine of Rs. 500 for the first offence, and a fine of Rs. 1,500 for every subsequent offence (( Section 177, The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.)). The applicable fine amount might vary across states. 

Given below are the fine amounts for two states:

State Offence Frequency of Offence Fine Amount (In INR)
Delhi Disobeying traffic signs First offence 500


Any subsequent offence 1,500
Karnataka Disobeying traffic signs First offence 500
Any subsequent offence 1,000
  1. Section 12, The Motor Vehicles (Driving) Regulations, 2017. []
  2. Section 177A, The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 []
  3. Section 119, The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. []

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Rana Boepple

September 23, 2024

information i find it hard to find decent answers out there when it comes to this content thank for the site

Ahmed Bratt

September 23, 2024

Wow Thanks for this

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