Locking Up LGBTQ+ Persons

Last updated on Jul 12, 2022

If you are being obstructed from leaving a place or you are confined inside a particular area, for example, you are locked inside a room, then you are being detained illegally under the law.  This is known as wrongful confinement and anyone confining you may face jail time up to 1 year and/or a fine of Rs. 1000.

If your family forcibly confines you inside the house to prevent you from being with your partner, or out of anger for expressing your newly identified gender or sexual orientation, this is a crime under the law and no one can forcibly confine you against your will as it violates your liberty and freedom of movement.(( Shivani Bhat v State NCT of Delhi  223(2015)DLT391.))

Contact People to Help You

To get out of such a situation and to get immediate help, you can call:

  • Helplines who will send police officers or guide you on immediate steps to take.
  • NGOs who will be able to free you from such situations.
  • Close and trusted family and friends.

File a Complaint

You can approach the nearest police station regardless of your gender identity or sexual orientation and file an FIR against anyone who has locked you up or confined you wrongfully. You will have to file an FIR with the help of Section 340/342 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860.

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