If you believe that a person with mental illness is being mistreated or neglected by the person who has the responsibility for their care, report this to the police officer in-charge of the police station within whose jurisdiction the person with mental illness resides.

Living in Society

Last updated on May 31, 2024

Every person with a mental illness has a right to1 live with and be a part of the society or community. In other words, just because a person with mental illness has no family or is homeless does not mean that they will be institutionalized in a mental health establishment.

Sometimes the family may abandon the person with mental illness. In such situations, it is the duty of the government to provide appropriate support, such as:

  • Legal aid
  • Community-based establishments, such as half-way homes, group homes, etc.,
  • Facilitate them living with their family/in the family home2

For example, it is the duty of the government to find accommodation for beggars. The government cannot force them to stay in a mental health establishment.

  1. Section 19(1), the Mental Healthcare Act, 2017. []
  2. Section 19(2)(3), the Mental Healthcare Act, 2017. []

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