Government’s efforts for controlling drug abuse

Last updated on May 31, 2024

Trigger Warning: The following content contains information on drugs and narcotics which some readers may find disturbing. 

Government Schemes and Centres

The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment has been implementing a Central Sector Scheme of Assistance for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drug) Abuse since 1985 for identification counselling, treatment and rehabilitation of addicts through voluntary and other eligible organisations. Under this scheme, financial assistance is given to voluntary organisations and eligible agencies for running and maintaining Integrated Rehabilitation Centres for Addicts.

A National Centre for Drug Abuse Prevention has also been set up by the National Institute of Social Defence to provide technical support to the government on policies relating to substance abuse prevention and providing services for substance demand reduction. This Centre also carries out programmes for capacity building and training personnel of de-addiction centres.

National Action Plan for Drug Demand Reduction  

The Ministry of Social Justice and empowerment has prepared a National Action Plan for Drug Demand Reduction for the period of 2018-25. This plan focuses on: 

  • Preventive education 
  • Awareness generation 
  • Identification, counselling, treatment and rehabilitation of drug dependent persons 
  • Training and capacity building of service providers through collaborative efforts of government and NGOs. 

It aims at reduction of adverse consequences of drug abuse through education, de-addiction and rehabilitation of affected individuals. More information on this Action Plan can be found here.

National Fund for Control of Drug Abuse

The law requires the government to set up a National Fund for Control of Drug Abuse for meeting the expenditure incurred in measures taken for: 

  • Combating illicit trafficking 
  • Controlling abuse of drugs and substances 
  • Identifying, treating and rehabilitating addicts 
  • Preventing drug abuse 
  • Educating public against drug abuse 
  • Supplying drugs where the same is a medical necessity

The money for this fund comes from: 

  • Central government (after Parliament has made appropriations for it by a law) 
  • Sale of any property that was forfeited or seized as illegal property.
  • Grants made by persons or institutions
  • Income from investment of amount credited to the Fund.

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Deepak garg

September 22, 2024

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September 26, 2024

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Related Resources

Powers of police and authorities – Search, Seize and Arrest

Police officers have wide powers to search and arrest people in drug-related crimes and in many cases, without a warrant.

Consuming Drugs

Consuming banned drugs and substances is illegal in India and the punishment for this includes jail time  and/or fine. 

Immunity for addicts volunteering for treatment

If a convict in a drug-related crime for a small quantity, volunteers to undergo treatment for de-addiction, s/he will not be prosecuted.


The sale, manufacture, production, consumption or possession of Diazepam is punishable by jail time up to 20 years or a fine of up to 2 lakh.


The punishment for Amphetamine (psychotropic substances) related crimes is proportional to the quantity that you are caught with.

Illegal entry, search, seizure and arrest by police

The law punishes those officers who search a place or detain a person for drug-related crimes without reasonable suspicions.