Duties of an Inspector to prevent Child Labour

Last updated on Jun 22, 2022

The Government appoints Inspectors to make sure that there is no illegal employment and the permitted employment of adolescents is done as per the law. An inspector or police officer has a duty to:

  • Conduct periodical inspections of the places where employment of children is prohibited.
  • Carry out rounds of inspection at industries where children are employed and where adolescents are employed.
  • To check the working conditions of children in family enterprises.
  • Accept complaints and report illegal acts of child labour to the Court.
  • Determine age of a child, if there is a doubt that the child is below the age of 14 years.
  • Inspect the Register maintained by the employer at the establishment which would have details such as:
    • Name and date of birth of the child employed along with relevant documents as to the date of birth.
    • Hours and periods of work(including the hours of rest).
    • Nature of the work that the child is doing.

All the inspectors have to make sure that if a child is being employed illegally, then the concerned employer has to pay Rs. 20000 as a fine into a fund known as the Child Labour Rehabilitation-cum-Welfare Fund, which the child can reclaim later.

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December 4, 2023

How to complain about child labour as there is no routine inspection is done in Zirakpur where plenties of child below 14 work in shops as well as in flats of society.

Alka Manral

May 30, 2024

It’s deeply concerning to hear about the prevalence of child labor in Zirakpur. It’s crucial to take immediate action to address this issue and ensure the safety and well-being of these children. Here’s what you can do:
1. Call 1098: This toll-free helpline operated by Childline India Foundation is dedicated to child rights and protection. Provide as much information as possible about the child/children involved, including their names (if known), approximate ages, descriptions, and precise locations (including any landmarks). The information will be forwarded to ground staff for investigation and intervention.
2. File an online complaint with the Ministry of Labour and Employment: Visit the Ministry of Labour and Employment’s website and file a complaint under the Child Labour Section. Provide detailed information about the child/children employed, along with the state and district where the exploitation is occurring, as well as your contact details- https://pencil.gov.in/Users/login
3. Visit the Police Station: When visiting the police station, be prepared to file a First Information Report (FIR). Provide all the information you have regarding the child labor incident you’ve witnessed. The police will initiate an investigation based on the details you provide.

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Related Resources

Filing a Complaint against Child Labour

Complaining about any instances of child labour can be via the different modes enumerated in the post.

Employers Responsibility towards Child Artists

When child artists are being employed for work, there is an obligation on the employer to fill out Form C as given in the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986.

Government duties against Child Labour

The Central Government has duties to ensure that child labour does not take place and that the provisions of the law are followed.

Role of Schools in preventing Child Labour

The right to education of a child applies even if the child or adolescent is working as an artist or in the family business. School has an important role in preventing child labour.

Determining age of Child

If you as an employer are unsure if the child is below 14 years or above 14 years of age, then the age of the child will be determined by a medical authority.

Settlement of the crime of Child Labour

The offence of child labour can be compounded.