Costs in Legal Aid

Last updated on Apr 8, 2022

There is no charge for getting an application form for free legal aid.((  FAQs, National Legal Service Authority, You are not required to spend any money for either getting or submitting the application. Even expenses like Process Fees, Drafting Fees, Typing Fees, Clerkage, etc. are borne by the legal service institutions.((   FAQs, National Legal Service Authority,


You do not have to pay any money if you get legal aid. You do not need to pay for:

  • Getting an application form for requesting free legal aid.(( FAQs, National Legal Service Authority,  You are not required to spend any money for either getting or submitting the application. 
  • Expenses like Process Fees, Drafting Fees, Typing Fees, Clerkage, etc.(( FAQs, National Legal Service Authority,
  • Expenses of witnesses and all other charges payable or incurred in connection with any legal proceedings. 

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Related Resources

How to Apply for Legal Aid?

While applying for legal aid, you will require at least proof of identification and an affidavit proving you are eligible for legal aid.

Guide on Applying for Legal Aid

The Nyaaya Guide on Applying for Legal Aid helps citizens understand how to obtain legal services free-of-cost from Legal Services Authorities in India.

What is Free Legal Aid?

Free legal aid means providing legal services, free of cost, to certain sections of the society like a beggar, differently-abled person, etc., as and when required. This does not mean that anyone can go and ask for legal aid. You have to be eligible to apply for it.

Eligibility for Legal Aid

If you want legal aid, you will need to go to a legal service authority. Once you approach the authority, they will check whether you are eligible for legal aid and the genuineness of your case.

Denial/Withdrawal of Legal Aid Services

After you fill out your application for legal aid, it can be denied or accepted. It can also be withdrawn at a later stage after the application has been accepted and legal aid has been provided.

Where do you go for Legal Aid

You can approach the State Legal Services Authorities, District Legal Services Authorities, Supreme Court Legal Services Committees and the High Court Legal Services Committees for applying for legal aid.