If you decide to quit your job, inform your employer in the manner provided in your employment contract. You may either have to give a notice period or comply with other formalities as given in your employment contract.

Notice Period to Terminate Employment

Last updated on Jun 21, 2022

What is Notice Period?

When you decide to terminate your employment, you are required to let the employer know by giving them advance notice of your intention to leave. This is called the notice period.

How Long is a Notice Period?

The notice period will be given in your employment contract. The average notice period usually ranges from 1 to 3 months. Your employer has to pay you your usual salary during this notice period.

Waiving or Extension of Notice Period

Depending upon the circumstances, the employer may expressly waive the notice period or request you to extend the notice period. You can deny the request for extension of the notice period if you wish to do so as long as it does not go against your contract.

Leaving Without Notice Period

Leaving without giving notice or any communication may have adverse consequences, such as being sued for breach of contract or the employer may initiate arbitration proceedings against you.

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